Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hazy Rain Tricks

What the heck is with your blog name? Where did you come up with that? I don't get it...

These are just a few of the comments we've gotten about "Hazy Rain Tricks". But this title has more meaning than you may realize.

Portland is often hazy rainy, which can definitely play tricks on your mind. Especially after several months of it. At least for Kristin. Zakk, on the other hand, is perfectly happy with gray, cloudy skies and rain. In fact, he says he prefers it to sunshine. Kristin thinks he is crazy. She needs sunshine. The more the better!

The other meaning behind "Hazy Rain Tricks" is more hidden. Zakk had the clever idea to try to make an anagram out of our names for the blog title. And while there were several bizarre options, like Cranky Zit Hairs and A Zany Rich Skirt, this one seemed quite perfect. After all, marrying Zachary and Kristin is what this is all about right?

Want to make your own anagram? Try this Anagram Maker and post your favorite results in the comments!

Photo courtesy of KATU Reporter Valerie Hurst.

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